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Adramytteion Ancient City

​The Ancient City of Adramytteion is an ancient city located in the district of Edremit in the Balıkesir province of Turkey. The city remained under the rule of many civilizations such as Lydians, Persians, Macedonians, Romans and Byzantines in the ancient period.The Ancient City of Adramytteion, M .D. 7. it was founded by the Lydians in the century. The city has a rich history and was the center of trade as an important port city in ancient times. It is also known as the place where Theophrastus, a student of the famous philosopher Aristotle, wrote natural history.The city experienced a great development in the Hellenistic period and M.D. 2. it came under the rule of the Roman Empire in the century. During the Roman period, the city was equipped with many structures such as theaters, temples, agora, baths and walls.The Ancient City of Adramytteion maintained its importance during the Byzantine period and many churches and monasteries were built. However, it was largely destroyed during the Medieval period due to earthquakes and invasions.Today, the Ancient City of Adramytteion has become a tourist attraction with archaeological excavations and restoration works. Among the ruins of the city there are a theater, an agora, a bathhouse, cisterns and walls. Dec. In addition, natural beauties such as the Ancient City of Assos and the Kaz Mountains, located near the ancient city, also attract the attention of visitors.In addition to being an important tourist attraction with its historical and cultural value, the Ancient City of Adramytteion offers a unique experience to visitors. Here you can explore the ruins of the ancient period, feel the historical atmosphere and enjoy the natural beauties.

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