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​The Ancient City of Apameia

​Apameia is an ancient city located in the Dinar district of Afyonkarahisar Province. The city has a history dating back to the Phrygian period. It became an important trade center in the Hellenistic period and experienced a great development during the Roman Empire.The Ancient City of Apameia had a strategic importance because it was located at an important crossroads during the Roman period. The city was restored and expanded by the Roman Emperor Caesar. During the Roman period, Apameia became a city with a large theater, temples, baths, an agora and a stadium.Apameia continued to exist as an important settlement during the Byzantine period. However, it experienced a great decline during the Seljuk and Ottoman periods in the Middle Ages. Today, the Ancient City of Apameia has become a tourist attraction with archaeological excavations and restoration works.As a result of the excavations carried out in the Ancient City of Apameia, many historical artifacts and ruins have been uncovered. Among them are a theater, an agora, a bathhouse, cisterns and walls. Dec. There are also many tombs in the necropolis area around the city.In addition to being an important tourist attraction with its historical and cultural value, the Ancient City of Apameia also attracts attention with its natural beauties. The mountains, valleys and natural habitats around the city attract the attention of visitors.

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