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​Göbeklitepe Ancient City

​Göbeklitepe is known as an archaeological site located near the village of Örencik in the Åžanlıurfa province of Turkey. Göbeklitepe is considered to be the oldest known temple complex in the world and M.D. it is dated to 9600-9500 years.The discovery of Göbeklitepe was made by archaeologist Klaus Schmidt in 1994. This discovery has shown that the known belief systems and temples in human history are much older than previously thought. Göbeklitepe was built during the Neolithic period as a religious center that emerged during the transition of hunter-gatherer societies to settled life.One of the most important features in Göbeklitepe is the T-shaped columns created with standing stones. There are animal figures and geometric patterns on these columns. Archaeologists believe that these figures represent the religious beliefs and rituals of hunter-gatherer societies.The discovery of Göbeklitepe has been a turning point that has changed our understanding of human history. This ancient temple complex shows that people had complex religious beliefs and their social structures were more developed at a much earlier period than previously thought.Göbeklitepe was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2018. Therefore, it has become an important archaeological site of interest to tourists. The knowledge and experience that Göbeklitepe offers to visitors opens an important window on human history. In addition, excavations and research carried out in the region are continuing to solve the secrets of Göbeklitepe.

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