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Şarhöyük Ancient City

The Ancient City of Sharhoyuk is known as an archaeological site located in Eskişehir province. This ancient city has a history dating back to the history of the Hittite Empire. Sharhoyuk has a great success for archaeologists and historians, because the excavations and finds made here illuminate the regional historical and cultural past. The Ancient City of Sharhoyuk offers a managed historical and archaeological experience.The Ancient City of Sharhoyuk contains ruins belonging to the Chalcolithic Period and the Early Bronze Age, dated to 3000-2000 BC. There are also traces of the Hittite Empire and Phrygian periods.There are various structures in the Ancient City of Sharhoyuk. These include the ruins of fortifications, aqueducts, cisterns, temple ruins and house ruins located on the mound. Dec. In addition, there are tombs in the necropolis area located at the foot of the mound.

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